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学术报告三十:欧阳毅—On abelian p-ramification torsion modules of quadratic fields

时间:2020-11-06 作者: 点击数:



:欧阳毅 教授




The abelian p-ramification torsion module of a number field is the p-torsion module of the Galois group of its maximal abelian extension unramified outside p. For p=2, we prove a 4-rank formula and a 4-rank density formula for abelian 2-ramification torsion of imaginary quadratic fields. This is analog to results in 2-class groups of imaginary quadratic fields by Fouvry-Klüners and K-groups of real quadratic by Yue-Yu. We also prove several density results about this group for subfamilies of real and imaginary quadratic fields. Finally, we formulate new Cohen-Lenstra heuristics and extended Cohen-Lenstra heuristics for abelian p-ram torsion modules in quadratic fields and present evidence for our conjectures. This is a joint work with Jianing Li and Yue Xu.



上一篇:学术报告二十八:岳勤 — Self-dual Codes, LCD Codes and Self-orthogonal Codes in Dihedral Group Algebras

下一篇:学术报告二十九:田野 —BSD conjecture and Congruent Number Problem